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NHD2 Little League

District Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2023


Present on Zoom: Jon Sebasco [LR; ADA], Derek Mercier [Concord], Nik Uhlir [Portsmouth], Scott Finegold [TNLL], John Kneeland [NMHLL], Sav Huskey [Rye], Sarah Fuller [Somersworth], Matt Petersons [Suncook], Frances Rowley [Laconia], Jeff Ross [UIC], Kathie Lynch [DA]


Zoom meeting called to order at 7:35 pm.


Minutes of October meeting: Jon Sebasco moved, John Kneeland 2nd to approve the minutes of the October meeting as distributed; no discussion; all approved.



1.      Kathie reported $2108.34 in district account; no recent credits or debits.

2.      PCA contract for district signed necessitating $400/year contribution to district funds for 2023, 2024, and 2025. Leagues asked to send checks for $400.00 made out to NHD2 to my address: 3 Boyan Place, Portsmouth, NH 03801 so that initial payment can be made and workshops scheduled.

3.      Orders for 2023 district and state banners and pins will go in once PCA expense paid.


PCA Partnership: 3 workshops for the 2023 year plus access to additional partnership options via a special sign-in.  Tentative plans for the 3 workshops are [finalization cannot occur until payment]:

1.      On field workshop with Chris Fay for coaches: March 7 preferred date followed by March 14 then afternoon of March 5 – Lamprey River to host

2.      Double goal coaching workshop: April 4 preferred date; Portsmouth to host

3.      Double goal coaching workshop: April 11 preferred date; Suncook to host


2023 Rules: several options for information on 2023 rule changes include LLI app [current; check out the link to 2023 rules changes in the table of contents for an overview] and LL rules 101 online workshops [4-week series beginning February 5, skipping February 12].

1.   Batting around the order for tournament now in effect [Tournament Rule 9;] this replaces mandatory play rule and provides for all players present at a game to be in the batting order. This is an option for regular season [always has been] and reduces the number of protests and complications around playing time. Tournament teams still require a 12-player minimum [permission can be given from the DA for 11 players].

2.      Starting 2023 no more than 75% of Board members can be managers/coaches [used to be 50%] – this is to be sure that a voice for parents/players not in coaching roles have input/representation in the Board for policy/procedure/local rule input.

3.      Regular season [NOT tournament] coaches permitted to warm-up pitchers [Rule 3.09]; this is an effort to improve game speed and assure that warm-ups reflect their purpose to prepare for pitching.

4.      Local leagues may elect to add an 8-run mercy rule after 5 innings [4 ½ if home team ahead] – this is in addition to the 15-run [3 innings] and 10-run [4 innings] rule options [Rule 4.10(e)]. It is not required to adopt this rule; any part of it can be adopted as part of a league’s local rules.

5.      LL Diamond Leader training will be REQUIRED for all tournament managers and coaches; recommended for all managers and coaches; online program via LLI website.

6.      NEW Rule on Intentional Walks [Rule 6.08(A)(2)]: this allows for an intentional walk to be issued by the defense once per game per player [meaning walks that are issued without pitches being thrown in a “dead ball” scenario]. Any additional intentional walks to the same player require that the 4 balls are pitched [leaving open the possibility of a wild pitch, passed ball, or contact by the batter, etc. as the ball remains “live’].


Operational changes: no operational changes regarding boundaries, DA elections, or the teenage division will be implemented in the 2023 season.


Umpires: Jeff Ross urged all presidents to provide him with the contact information for the league UIC. He reviewed the clinics currently available [also sent with the agenda for this meeting] and particularly encouraged leagues to send both adult and junior umpires to a NH clinic to be held March 24/25 being organized by Rob Hall. Jeff shared the efforts being made to encourage NHD2 volunteer umpires to apply for regional/world series appointments as we have many experienced and committed volunteer umpires in our district. League umpires are encouraged to join the umpire registry on the LLI website to stay current and receive benefits available from LLI.


Tournament: Kathie forwarded the regional and world series tournament dates with the agenda; she is waiting for confirmation on the 8/10 and 9/11 regional dates as the district and state dates are much earlier than in prior years. Jon Sebasco indicated that Lamprey River has determined it cannot readily host tournament this year; Sarah Fuller has confirmed that Somersworth can host and will host the 2023 D2 semi-final and final games and the NH State tournament – all dates TBD once the regional tournaments for 8-10 confirmed.  Kathie will need to work with Sally in D1 regarding the 9/11 and Intermediate tournaments: Lamprey and Portsmouth hope to enroll a 9/11 team; Lamprey, Concord, and NMH an Intermediate team.


Chartering: all leagues are encouraged to complete chartering and to confirm that IRS tax returns [due 2/15/23] and NH State filings for 2022 are completed. Becky Bassett is a great resource for questions on tax exempt and non-profit incorporation questions. She can be reached at 570-326-1921 x 2228 or [email protected] 


ASAP: now’s a good time to complete ASAP in the data center; while full approval will not be granted until registration updated the rest of the Safety Manual can be approved.  Consider requiring Safe Sport and Diamond Leader training for coaches as part of the Safety Manual.


T-Mobile grants for players with financial need: Grant applications, to be completed by the player parent, are now available on the LLI website. There is a resource link for leagues to advertise the program, FAQ section, and support portal. Players will need to have current evidence of Medicaid, SNAP, or WIC enrollment although other methods of demonstrating need may be an option. Payment is to the parent via an electronic debit card payable to the league.


Each league provided an update on current status for the 2023 season; Kathie reminded that interleague play within the district no longer requires any approvals – only interleague outside the district and combined teams forms should be initiated as soon as possible; in brief:

Portsmouth – returning to a majors format without 13-year-olds this season

Laconia – offering a 12U and Coach Pitch special games tournaments in June

Concord – working to find a fundraiser

Somersworth – redrafting the majors division [see LL operational manual for this draft]

Rye – moving to age-based divisions and reviewing its webhost

NMH – active planning for the season has begun

Suncook – ongoing winter clinics for players

Lamprey River – working on a new field in Nottingham

TNLL – signed off for technical difficulty but has been upgrading the field


Kathie will start scheduling monthly meetings as the season approaches and will update presidents after each East Region and/or DA meeting as appropriate.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Local Sponsors

New Hampshire District 2 Little League

Kathie Lynch, 3 Boyan Place
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801

Phone: 603-396-8651

Email: [email protected]

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